Knits, Purls and Sad News

I started not to go to knitting group last night.  I’ve kind of been in an antihistamine fog for the last couple of days due to the Attack of the Bradford Pear Trees — the other option being stuffed up sinuses, itchy eyes, and sneezing my head off.  As it was, I didn’t take my shower and wash my hair until nearly 5 o’clock.  I foofed my hair out so it would dry fast, but it was still damp wet when I left the house at 6:00.

2016_03_09-04I was glad I went, though.  I took the Trellis Path Scarf to work on — which is now finished (at left).  One of our breast cancer survivors’ daughter was there this time.  The daughter teaches computer science at university level. She has vestibular-induced balance problems, and she wears shoes with toes because being able to feel the floor with her toes helps her keep her balance better.  She’s knitting one of those big baggy sweaters that are so warm and comfortable.  The yarn she’s using is muted blues and greys, a very understated color combination.

Because of the way she knits, she twists the yarn tighter, which you wouldn’t think would be a problem — twisting yarn is what keeps the plies wound together — except that it becomes so over-twisted she has to pause periodically and let the yarn unwind.  She puts a rubber band around the ball to keep the yarn from unrolling from the ball, then dangles the ball and lets the yarn untwist until it equilibrates. I suggested she try using a hairpin instead of a rubber band to keep the ball from unrolling, which she thought was a good idea.

Our other breast cancer survivor is knitting a vest for her little grandson. One of the ladies who crochets was sitting across from me.  She’s doing a very colorful afghan.

I had been mentoring a black lady who was just learning to knit and I was helping her make a baby afghan.  I missed knitting group the week before last because I fell and hurt my left arm.  Last week, I went, but she wasn’t there.  She wasn’t there this time either.  Then, right about the time the group was breaking up to go home, one of the library ladies came in and said that someone had called to leave a message for the group to let us know one of the ladies in the group had passed away over the weekend. When she told us who it was, it was the black lady I had been mentoring.  It was a shock. She was only in her 40’s.  I knew she had chronic health problems (renal failure on dialysis, systemic lupus) but she seemed to be doing well.  Her service is going to be at 10 o’clock on Friday.  I’m planning to go.



4 thoughts on “Knits, Purls and Sad News

  1. What a shock that must have been, to learn of the lady’s passing. We all say, “we never know,” so easily, but the fact is — we never know. And it’s a fact, too, that we can develop some affection or at least friendly feelings toward people who’ve not been in our lives for years.

    The pollens finally are making an appearance here. I was hoping for a little more wind with our rain, and slightly harder rain, just to knock some of it off the trees. But at least we’re getting a nice bit of rain, and no flooding, as some have had. And no north wind! That’s worth a lot, right there.

  2. That must have been a huge shock for you. Life is short, and it seems that there are constant reminders of that.
    It will be a while before the pollen here causes problems for John and Katie. I’m fortunate never to have had any problems with it.

  3. The comment left by imarriedisisonthe5thdayofmay is from me, Scarlet. I forgot to change usernames from the WordPress account I use as a diary.

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